czwartek, 26 marca 2020

Sloth and squirrel

Funny set of animals, woodwork keep my head occupied with something else than this horrible virus around, and even if I stop thinking about it for 5 minutes - it's really helpful. I also like when people are smiling. Those two animals were made for my sister... I won't see you for a while, but every time you look at squirrel and sloth, I know you will think about me, and maybe smile:)

3 komentarze:

  1. i love you! you are the best! we can't stop looking at them, every time we pass by (they are on our breakfast bar), we stop and laugh. they are soooo cute!

    p.s. i love the fact you added this post at 3.16am

  2. Niesamowita metoda na stały kontakt duchowy)zwierzątka są tak sympatyczne, że wcale nas nie dziwi, że oczu nie można oderwać. Też kiedy na nie patrzymy to się uśmiechamy. Magia😉

  3. Śliczne! Chciałabym być Twoją siostrą :))
