Don't worry people I'm not turning my blog into cooking blog, don't get me wrong, I love eating, I just don't like cooking. This recipe simply has stolen my heart. My work friend, who knows that I really love sneakers and I add glitter to nearly everything what I'm making, treated me with those amazing biscuits:) if you like sneakers, chocolate and glitter, I think this might be something for you. The best I left for the end, it takes only 10 minutes to prepare! Let's start!
- chocolate bar 100g, you can use milk chocolate or dark chocolate, whatever you like,
- 6 small Snickers bars,
- a glass of rice Krispies
* Mandy's tip: don't get too crazy with rice Krispies, otherwise your biscuits will be too hard.
- you can also add a generous portion of peanut butter, I don't have it at home so I will go without it.
- glitter - but be careful it must be a food glitter!
* Mandy's tip: white or gold glitter are giving the best results:)
1. Put all sneakers in a bowl which is suitable for microwave. Then place a bowl with sneakers in a microwave and heat until sneakers started bubbling, for about a minute.
2. Hit the pan with water and place a bowl on top of it.
3. Break your chocolate bar into small pieces and place in a top bowl.
4. Hit the chocolate and steer until melted
5. Add melted chocolate to the ball with sneakers
6. Add rice Krispies and mix together
For some reason I don't have a picture of the mixture:/ sorry, must get too excited that it's nearly ready!
7. Prepare baking tray or something similar, for the amount of ingredients I'm using - it can't be too big tray, mine is about 20cm long and 8 wide.
And I have a picture for this one:)
8. Put baking paper inside of your tray.
* Mandy's tip: you can spread tiny bit of oil on the bottom of the tray, instead of using paper - something to not make your biscuits stick forever to your tray.
9. Finally place your mixture inside the tray and spread evenly.
Can you see the little jar on the right? It's food glitter:) Sprinkle it on top of your biscuit:)
10. Why there is pizza cutter in my tray? It's there for a reason. Before you put your biscuit into the fridge, you need to cut it in pieces, if you don't do it, don't worry, you will have to eat whole biscuit at once:)
You can use a knife to cut it as well.
11. Place your Snickers biscuit in a fridge for a while until it's cold.
12. The best bit...
Mandy, they are fantastic! Xxx
Now I have energy to get back to cutting!
Ale niespodzianka😁ciasteczka-batoniki obowiązkowo do zrobienia. Zbierzemy tylko potrzebne produkty. Z brokatową posypką na pewno będą dekoracją świątecznego stołu. Na chwilę, bo znikną błyskawicznie 😁
OdpowiedzUsuńAle frykasy... mniam! Spróbuję, bo uwielbiam takie słodkości:)
OdpowiedzUsuńCo wam powiem to Wam powiem ale wam powiem... Dla osób dwujęzycznych serdecznie polecam włączenie translatora i przeczytanie przepisu po polsku... Ubaw po pachy, nie ma nic lepszego jak trampki w czekoladzie brokatem 😂
OdpowiedzUsuńCzytałam tłumaczenie rano i byłam popłakana że śmiechu 😂widziałam oczami wyobraźni te trampki podgrzewane w mikroweli, zmieszane z czekoladą i ryżem a potem solidnie ozdobione brokatem.To jest hit🤣mama
OdpowiedzUsuńI was laying on the ground and laugh o
OdpowiedzUsuńNo faktycznie tłumaczenie na język polski jest przezabawne! Ale staram się zrozumieć.Ciasteczka do zrobienia(przepis prosty mimo wszystko).Buziaczki od cioci C